FIL - Felton Industries Limited
FIL stands for Felton Industries Limited
Here you will find, what does FIL stand for in Construction under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Felton Industries Limited? Felton Industries Limited can be abbreviated as FIL What does FIL stand for? FIL stands for Felton Industries Limited. What does Felton Industries Limited mean?The Construction company falls under building materials category and is located in Auckland, Auckland.
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Alternative definitions of FIL
- Fillmore, Utah USA
- Father In Law
- Feedback Inhibitor Of Lactation
- Film
- Filoloji
- Financial Institution Letters
- File listing
- Overlay (WordPerfect)
View 80 other definitions of FIL on the main acronym page
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- FCCL Fortis Construction Company Limited
- FTS Foundation for Tacoma Students
- FDP Fresco Decorative Painting
- FLIL Future Lighting India Limited
- FBHCL FB Holding Company LLC
- FSS Focus Security Services
- FBIS Fredericksburg Bible Institute and Seminary
- FCI First Choice Inc.
- FITS Fluid IT Services
- FASGGUSA For Arts Sake Greetings and Gifts USA
- FCLL First Capital Leasing Ltd.
- FPK Future Possibilities for Kids
- FAL Flowers Associates Ltd